QEC Surveys

Faculty Survey

Please Provide your Course Details

Please select your relevent faculty, department, and your Name :

Please select your response:

S. No. Question
Faculty Survey Questions
1 Type of teaching/ research you currently do.
2 Your interaction with students
3 Cooperation you receive from colleages.
4 The mentoring available to you
5 Administrative support from the department.
6 Providing Clarity about the faculty promotion process.
7 Your prospects for advancement and progress through ranks
8 Job security and stability at the department.
9 Amount of time you have for yourself and family.
10 What are the best programs/factors currently available in your department that enhace your motivation and job satisfaction.
11 Your mix of research, teaching and community service
12 The intellectual stimulation of your work
13 Salary and compensation package
14 The overall climate at the department
15 Whether the department is utilizing your experience and knowledge
16 Suggest programs/factors that could improve your motivation and job satisfaction
Information about faculty member
17 What is you Academic rank?
18 Your Years of service