QEC Surveys

Teacher Evaluation Survey

Please Provide your Course Details....

Course Code: Course Title:
Study Year: Semester:
Degree Programs:

Please select your relevent faculty, department, and teacher:

Please select your response:

S. No. Question
1 The teacher is prepared for each class
2 The teacher demonstrates the knowledge of the subject
3 The teacher has completed the whole course
4 The teacher provides additional material apart from the textbook
5 The teacher gives examples regarding current situations with reference to Pakistan context
6 The teacher shows respect towards students and encourages class participation
7 The teacher arrives on time
8 The teacher leaves on time
9 The teacher is fair in checking papers
10 The teacher was always available during the specified office hours for any consultations
11 The course has increased your knowledge of the subject
12 The course integrates theoretical course concepts with real-world examples
13 The assignments and exams covered the materials presented in the course
14 The course is modern and updated
Comments if any:
15 Teacher
16 Course